My collages use printed ephemera to serve as a kind of time machine. The eclectic nature of old books, brochures, images and documents–all of these are fascinating to me, and help to inform my work. These bits and pieces have been stuck in the dark, collecting dust, and I uncover and combine them, giving them new life. I'm constantly channeling the child inside of me to maintain a sense of wonder and possibility in my work.
"Glen Gauthier dishes up plates of refinement in regard to abstract and conceptual painting. By incorporating found objects and cutting them with great precision to enhance and flow with his paint, Glen explores the role of medium as purpose. These mixed media paintings would not strike the viewer with quite the same impact if achieved with just paint. By incorporating assemblage to create holistic flat compositions, Glen redefines color field painting beyond just paint and surface. His integrative approach adds depth and texture to compositions which reflect both the written word and contemporary design principles."
-Michael Hanna, Curator, Aedra Fine Arts
Read the full review of my work here.